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Saturday, December 19, 2009

How does Eco-Drive work?

How does  Eco-Drive work

The secret of citizen Eco-Drive watches is the way that light is absorbed, stored and then released by the citizen Eco-Drive to power the watch.
- The dial on Eco-Drive watches is made from ceramic or a special plastic. This allows the light sensitive panel that is hidden in Eco-Drive watches to absorb enough light to power the watch.

Light sensitive panel
- In Eco-Drive watches there is a light sensitive photo electric cell hidden right underneath the dial. This panel converts light into electrical energy even in low light. A few minutes of winters dayligh provides enough energy to run a Eco-Drive watch for a day.

Secondary Battery
- The energy that is produced is stored in a lithium battery and then released as necessary to run the Eco-Drive watch. This battery will allow the Eco-Drive watch to run for up to 6 months in complete darkness before it will stop working.

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